Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy Peanut Festival!

Good afternoon all our brittle fans….we will be back in the brittle factory this weekend!!  We have an order for a gallon of our LUSCIOUS peanut brittle for a church auction.  Boy, whoever buys that is going to be VERY lucky.  I’m told that brittle has brought as much as $400-$500 dollars in the past, so hopefully ours will make the church lots of money.

We are also having a sale on Friday and will be making both peanut and pecan brittle to sell. Also, our sales in Fredericksburg are going so well after the first week that we need to make more for the shop there. Soooooo, we will be very busy this weekend trying to get everything made. 

We are patiently anticipating the delivery of some very cute Christmas decorations that we ordered for our jars and baskets.  Hopefully they will be in sometimes next week.  We will start posting pictures of some of our decorations in the near future, so be on the look out.  Trust me, you will love it all!

Since we are from Floresville, the peanut capital of Texas, and maybe even the world, our annual Peanut Festival is this weekend.  The nut king and queen were crowned last night and the big parade will be tomorrow morning.  Happy Peanut Festival to all!!!!

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