Thursday, September 2, 2010

We have a WINNER!

Butler's Brittle is so happy to announce that we have chosen two winners from our Facebook Contest!! Congratulations to Amy Jo and Kim! They both won a 1 lb. bag of Peanut or Pecan Brittle, THEIR CHOICE! Way to go ladies!

Also, we surprised two more brittle friends, Traci and Brenda, who worked very hard at suggesting friends to us! They will be receiving a special surprise from us as well!

Thank you to all who participated!



  1. Thanks to Brenda for suggesting this site to me...and Thank You Butler's Brittle for the opportunity to win! I absolutely cannot wait to taste your brittle and will be on the lookout for it next week :) Also, thank you to all my friends that participated in the contest! Good luck to you all on the next contest!

  2. BUTLERS BRITTLE IS SO GREAT! Thanks so much ladies for the fun giveaway! I am so happy to have you as part of Sampler Village!! YAY!!!

  3. You are both very welcome!! Can't wait to hear what you think about the brittle :)


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