Thursday, September 2, 2010


Ok the time has come! Another contest!

YAY!  You made it to the blog! All you need to do is leave us a comment below about why you should win some brittle, and what kind of brittle is your favorite! We would love to hear from you ! So, if you have a "brittle story" you would like to share, you may do so as well! We want you to be creative and unique! Good Luck!!

REMEMBER! The contest ends tomorrow, so be checking back to see if you have won!


  1. I should win some delicious looking Brittle because I am a brittle virgin. Yup that's right, I have never tried it before. It looks absolutely delish though!

  2. I would love to win! Cashew brittle is my fave. :) I found you through the village.

    boswife @ gmail . com & @lolamichele on twitter

  3. I WANT TO WIN SOME BRITTLE!!!! I deserve it because I could really use a pick-me-up after caring for my Mom this summer from her surgery, babysitting/housing for 3 weeks while my family was away and losing two dear friends to breast cancer....

  4. oops...forgot to say Peanut Brittle is my favorite!

  5. I should win because I have no plans for the weekend and I need something to post on my facebook.

  6. I have always loved brittle! When i was a child my granny would make it and it was so yummy! I miss those days.

  7. I forgot to say i like peanut brittle also lol

  8. I am always up for wining come more brittle but dont want to be greedy!! LOL YES I DO!! My fav is good old fashioned peanut brittle!!

  9. All of these stories are good but......I should win some cashew brittle because I am a quality manager and NO ONE likes me at all...What a great way to drown my sorrows, sitting down with a bag of yummy cashew brittle!

  10. oh no, forgot my email addy!

  11. OK...If Brenda posted so will I. LOL I don't want to be a greedy piggy too (since I won the last one also Brenda) but brittle seems to bring back the goodness of family, old fashioned holidays, and yummyness. Nope that was not a word lol...but still appropriate! I think you ladies have a good thing going here and I hope this holiday season brings your business smiles from across the country! I'm sure I'll love your brittle. Hugs and TY again for the brittle I will be receiving! (P.S. I'll have to wait to see which brittle will be my first love) :) Hope there is enough there to share with my 23yo college student/son that lives with me! (my lil plug to win more) LOL Good luck all!

  12. I love peanut brittle,pecan brittle..Me and my mother whom has passed now used to make home brittle its my all time favorite home made candy...Yummy for my Tummy.

  13. LOL! I am with Brenda on this one, you can NEVER win too much brittle :)

  14. When I was growing up, I loved watching my dad eat peanut brittle. It was a moment of pure enjoyment. When my parents experienced the empty-nest after the kids grew up, they began traveling. I remember watching as they would come back North and out of the motor home would come bags of unshelled pecans. Yep, you guessed it...more than once those pecans found their way into moms homemade pecan brittle. I do not need to win...just the wonderful memories are payment enough. Somethings so simple have the best rewards sometimes.
    :o)Traci A. Ohren

  15. I love peanut brittle! i've never had any other kind though! :) @sethandshannon1 on twitter sethandshannon1 at yahoo dot com

  16. Im new i just Followed yall on Twitter @swb33 I would luv to get some Brittle, not only are they YUMMMMMMMY, they bring back childhood memories, it be great..:)

  17. I would LOVE to win some peanut brittle because not only have I never had it before but I'm pregnant and I'm pretty sure my baby wants it!:) It sounds DELISH.

  18. This is by far the best Brittle around. I hope I win some. Lauren referred me to this site.

  19. I want to win. I LOVE BRITTLE!!!!
    We used to make it every Christmas and I thought it was pretty good. Yours is really good.

  20. I love this Brittle. Lauren got me started on this brittle, it is so good.


Leave us some brittle love