Monday, September 20, 2010

We are always very thankful to God when we receive much needed rain, but Butler’s Brittle needs the rain to stop for a little while!  When it is hot and rainy, like it has been here in South Texas for the past 10 days, it is very hard to make brittle.  The brittle does not “dry” like it should and it gets sticky to the touch.  Since we here at Butler’s Brittle want our customers to get the freshest and best brittle possible, we won’t make it in these conditions.  If you have placed an order or have won a contest and are waiting on your brittle, please be patient with us, we will get it to you as soon as possible!

Now, in the winter when it is cold and raining, that’s another story.  The cold actually helps to “dry” the brittle and it still turns out great.  We have made many a hundred pounds of brittle in cold and wet weather. So, if we could pick our perfect weather, we either want sunshine and 60 degree weather, which we won’t have a for a while, or sunshine and 90 degree weather, but never rain and 90 degrees!!!  Hurry up fall, we’re waiting on you!

Speaking of hundreds of pounds of brittle, our estimate for Butler’s Brittle for the past year is about 3,000 pounds!  Wow, now that’s a lot of brittle, being made one pot at a time. And yes, you can count on us to always make it fresh, one pot at a time! Hope you all have a happy and blessed week.

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